How to Cross Country 101
Post date: Mar 2, 2017 5:12:44 AM
Hello incoming freshman/new Cross Country runner!
This page contains what you should know if you're thinking about doing cross country in 2017.
Okay, first: What is Cross Country?
Glad you asked! It's a sport offered at LBJ High School centered around running. Anyone can run cross country, and people have tons of different reasons for running. For more information about XC, check out the about page.
Sounds awesome! What's next for LBJ Cross Country?
We're going to have some events and get-togethers coming up, so stay tuned! All Cross Country events can be found on our handy-dandy Calendar.
Stay tuned for updates on Summer Training. We'll be coming out more information soon.
Also, we will have training this summer, and we'd love to see you there!
Where can I find hilarious biographies that the captains have lovingly written just for you?
Wow, specific request! We have just the thing. Like right here.
Great question! We are using a Remind group, for real time communication with the runners, and a Google Group, for email communication with the parents. You can check them out on our Communication page.
Even if you're not a Cross Country runner right now, you should still join the Remind and/or Google Group to get preseason updates.
What do I need to run Cross Country?
A valid physical, so you can run once official training starts. Our Physicals and Forms pages has a link to just what you need.
If you're going to take Cross Country as a PE credit1, you're going to need to put it on your Course Sheet. See the Course Guide for more information. Don't worry, although you'll get grades for it and attendance will be recorded, it doesn't take up a period on schedule.
Enthusiasm! Cross Country can be loads of fun, but you'll only get out of it what you put in.
1Cross Country is 0.5 PE Credits
Thanks for checking out cross country, and we'll see you soon!
-Your LBJXC 2017 Captains